
About Us

Open Minds For A Different View

Media Academy Cardiff works with some of the hardest to engage children, young people and families in Wales. We work with significant numbers of young people whom are not in school or training and who may be on the cusp of entering the criminal justice system.

Our aim is to inspire and equip them to make positive changes in their lives to encourage their self belief and nurture their potential. Easy to say, much harder to do. We believe the only way to do this is by working in close partnership with statutory and voluntary agencies who share the same belief in young people. Since 2009 we have been at the forefront of innovative working in Wales, looking at changing service delivery to meet the needs of families and their children. Two examples of this would be Triage (the only one in Wales) and also the pilot of the Neighbourhood Resolution Panels funded by the home office which from 2013 has been mainstreamed by Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan councils.

MAC is striving to be the first fully restorative voluntary organisation in Wales. This means that families and children will be able to have a consistent response and have an understanding of what to expect when working with agencies across Cardiff and the Vale.

The entire staff team believe in the potential and ability of young people. If you would like to visit any of our centres to see the work for yourself you would be most welcome.